Monday, August 9, 2010

Moving Heartaches

I leave Lake Worth in a week! I can't believe it! At least I know I am going to stay in Baton Rouge for the full two years (I have a history of going somewhere to do something exciting and then freaking out and quitting and coming home). But I can't come home because it has cost me too much money and time to do that to myself and my mom! :)

I am getting my car aligned on Wednesday, getting a hitch put on it on Thursday, then picking up my trailer and packing it on Saturday. I am taking a bunch of my dad's old furniture, and also a couch and tables from my house. It'll be interesting seeing mom and I trying to pack all that stuff into the trailer. Theo, my boyfriend, conveniently is going on vacation tomorrow and will not be available to help! uh-huh...lucky boy! Edgar is driving with me and my trailer to Baton Rouge and helping me unpack. He's awesome. I'm flying him home a few days after that.

Ive been calling the gas/water and electric company today trying to set that up so it's on when I get to my cute little apartment in Baton Rouge. BUT the last tenant hasn't called and cancelled his service, so I cannot do anything until he does that. I'm gonna wait until I get there and plug in a TV to order cable. I heard that sometimes they don't turn off the cable from the previous owner...and I might get some free cable. That would be sweeet!

It's scary doing all this "grown-up" stuff...and expensive!! BUT I'm having fun and am excited to move in and have my own little space in this big world!